Ditch the stress of self doubt
so you can live the life you truly want!

Ditch the stress of self doubt so you can live the life you truly want!


Vickey Easa, LICSW

Therapist, Certified Relational Coach, Clini-Coach and Your Decision Diva!

Vickey Easa, LICSW

Therapist, Certified Relational Coach,

Clini-Coach and Your Decision Diva!

I’m here to help you feel calm and confident—and make the decisions you can stand behind!

Decisions at work, at home, with family, with friends…If you’re like most of my clients, you’re pretty confident in at least one of these areas—but I can help you to create a healthy balance of comfort and confidence in every area of your life!

As a certified Clini-Coach® and therapist of almost 15 years, I’ve heard the same story from so many professional women. And, I’ve been on this journey, myself.

I struggled with my yeses and my noes! When to give in, when to stand my ground—these are common questions so many of us deal with on the inside. We don’t often admit this to others.

Did you know there are books out there on how to say yes and how to say no?

You’re not alone!

I firmly believe the answer lies in Healthy Self Esteem and Healthy Boundaries

I teach my clients where Healthy Self Esteem actually stems from, the source of their Unhealthy Self Esteem, and how to shift it.

I teach my clients where they stand with their Boundaries and how to get healthy there, as well.

See the pattern?

My goal is to get you into your Healthy Place.

From there, you will make decisions with confidence and ease.

Book a call with me now to get to work!

I am so excited to help you finally live the life you really want!

I’m here to help you feel calm and confident—and make the decisions you can stand behind!

Decisions at work, at home, with family, with friends…If you’re like most of my clients, you’re pretty confident in at least one of these areas—but I can help you to create a healthy balance of comfort and confidence in every area of your life!

As a certified Clini-Coach® and therapist of almost 15 years, I’ve heard the same story from so many professional women. And, I’ve been on this journey, myself.

I struggled with my yeses and my noes! When to give in, when to stand my ground—these are common questions so many of us deal with on the inside. We don’t often admit this to others.

Did you know there are books out there on how to say yes and how to say no?

You’re not alone!

I firmly believe the answer lies in Healthy Self Esteem and Healthy Boundaries

I teach my clients where Healthy Self Esteem actually stems from, the source of their Unhealthy Self Esteem, and how to shift it.

I teach my clients where they stand with their Boundaries and how to get healthy there, as well.

See the pattern?

My goal is to get you into your Healthy Place.

From there, you will make decisions with confidence and ease.

Book a call with me now to get to work!

I am so excited to help you finally live the life you really want!

Your Decision Diva