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Vickey Easa

I Felt Less Than

up and down arrows in a forest

Shhh…can you keep a secret? I spent my whole life feeling Less Than others. Less Than everyone around me. I just didn’t know it until I began to work with the model that I am here to teach people now.…

Dressing Indecision

Woman in a dress holding round pink handbag

I don’t know about you, but I firmly believe that a part of self-esteem and decision-making is getting to know oneself.  Can you really make confident decisions if you don’t know yourself, what you like, and what you dislike? A…

Do You Know Your Value?

Have you ever found yourself wondering “What exactly is Self Esteem, anyway?” What Does “Self Esteem” Mean? You must have. I would be shocked if you haven’t. Why do I think this? Because it’s my favorite topic to talk about…

My Best Friend Was Judging Me

girl hiding behind a book

Growing up, I was always “the smart one.” For years. Elementary school to junior high into high school.  In my friendship circle, that’s what made me, me. Then high school hit and my friendship circle expanded a little. I was…